Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Mineral Makeup vs. Traditional Makeup (part 2 of 2)


Above the surface

What’s good about mineral makeup is that it can be used on all the types of skin.  But even if it can be used on different skin types, it is still important to identify what colors are suitable and at the same time the right formulation.  But still, traditional makeup also serves that purpose.  You just have to be conscious with the makeup that you choose, since there can be additives bad for your skin.

Mineral makeup are often considered more “breathy” for the skin.  Traditional make-up tends to block or clog the pores.  That is why some customers have a feeling of  something heavy on their faces when they used the traditional makeup.  Since mineral makeup is natural, there is natural feel to it when it is applied to the skin.

Another good news for allergic people, is that it is hypoallergenic.  Mineral makeup do not have bismuth oxychloride in their component making your skin free form chemical allergic reactions.

There are some skin treatments which would not allow you to use cosmetics afterwards.  But with mineral makeup, the minerals serve as coolant to the skin and even encourage the skin to heal faster.  While some mineral makeup users find that they can even sleep through the night with their make-up on, since it gets to last longer than traditional makeup and at the same time, it’s less allergic.

There are some who chose to use mineral makeup since it is more cost effective.  Since, with mineral makeup you use less makeup with the same results.

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